Friday, August 28, 2009

...The "H" Children...{Childrens Portraits}

I knew from the moment I met 3-year-old little "W", he was going to be a lot of fun to go exploring with! He greeted me with a smile and "Nice to meet you"! Love it! With all the fun streams, butterflies, and even bunnies to watch and chase after, it was hard to stay in one spot for too long. But we did manage to capture this image of the happy little guy...
His sister, 18-month-old "S", was not a fan of me, however! Well, let me re-phrase that...she was a bit intimidated by the bulky camera I was chasing her with!! The best place to be is always in Mommy's arms and I love that I grabbed this moment between mommy and little "S"
These are just two of the many images captured from this session. There will be more to follow!

Saturday, August 15, 2009

...Baby "A"...{Infant Portraits}

A few of my favorites from my session with four month old Baby "A". She is such a sweet little thing with the most beautiful eyes. You may remember her session with her three big sisters several months ago

Thank you for inviting me into your home again, "D" family! I look forward to helping you document your little girls' journeys for a very long time!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

...{Family Portraits}...

Well, let me just begin by saying this family of 6 is too, too, cute! We went into this session with hopes of just getting everyone to be "happy" at the same time! Well, I think we were successful...for the first 30 minutes anyways ;o) With 4 kids (three of which are under 4!), it can be a challenge! But I think we pulled it off!

This entire family has THE most bright, crystal clear eyes!! Making them a dream to photograph!


Wednesday, August 12, 2009

... More of This Beautiful Family {Family Portraits}...


...Just a Tiny Sample!...{Family Portraits}

I know you are DYING to see your sneak peek! So here are just a couple to tease you!

This session has been booked and in the making for 6 months! We've been patiently awaiting the wheat fields to grace us with their beauty, and that day finally arrived! I am so, so lucky to be able to photograph such beautiful makes my "job" a lot easier ;o)
I love this picture of little "A"...she really has a special presence in front of the camera...

I hope your enjoy your teaser! No worries...I will be posting more from this session soon!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

...The "R" Family {Family Portraits}...

Meet the "R" absolutely BEAUTIFUL family I had the privilege of photographing this past weekend. My camera loved them!

This beauty is seven year old "B". I could not stop taking pictures of her! She was at such ease in front of the camera and, well, look at her! She is STUNNING!

Four year old "W" was great, too! I can't believe how cooperative he was! My four year old sees the camera and runs! Not "W"! He struck a pose any time he was asked! Such a cutie!!

And then there is one year old little Miss "C". Don't you just want to scoop her up?! She is gorgeous! Mom and dad are going to be in trouble in the next few years with this group of beautiful children! They can model for my ANY time!

We took this picture in front of their brand new home they just finished building. The location and home are just breathtaking. Congratulations, you guys!

Thank you so much for such a wonderful evening! I hope you enjoy your sneak peek!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

...My, How Time Flies!...{Childrens Portraits}

Has it really been six months? It was so great to see this little guy again for his 1 year portraits! So much about him has changed; he, for one, is now VERY mobile and his hair has grown so much! But, he also still has a few things that I found very familiar, like his stunning blue eyes, and his inquisitive stares. We had a great time on our adventure last night, and I just had to get a few pictures up for a quick sneak peek...........more to come!

It's hard work being so cute! After running and exploring in the August heat of the valley, nothing is better than a cold ice-cube! Thanks, "K" family, for such a fun night! Your little man is perfect! Enjoy!