Wednesday, June 24, 2009

...How About Some T-Ball Action!...

It has been several years since I've attended a t-ball game...and I forgot how FUN they are to watch! I had a great time watching this little guy! He admitted after the game he "may" have done a few poses for the his AWESOME slide into home plate!

Great job, little "R"! Thanks for inviting me to your game! I had a blast!

Monday, June 15, 2009


Let me just tell you, I am LOVIN' how this session is turning out! I have only processed the first 1/4 of the pictures I took and am thrilled with the results so far....I really hope these little ones' mommy loves them as much!
Meet Princess "E" and Princess "G" (they really are princesses, just ask them!) We had a blast at the "exploring park" this beautiful, sunny morning and I knew the second I laid eyes on them it would be impossible not to get anything but fantastic images of them!
Three year old "E" is absolutely stunning with her blonde curls and sparkling blue eyes. She did such a great job!
Two year old Miss "G" is just as beautiful...her green eyes are so, so bright! LOVE IT! Here is her "serious" look....

and her sweet little grin!

Thank you, so much "J" family for making the trip to the valley. I hope these images made your drive worth it! Enjoy the pictures..........I hope to be able to capture images of the new baby in the fall!!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

...My Own {Part Two}...

Here is my youngest, 19-month-old Mr. "M". Unlike his older two brothers, he L-O-V-E-S to have his picture taken!! He is such a little ham in front of the camera; posing and giving me genuine smiles anytime I ask. Of course, he's had a lot of practice! He probably has well over 1,000 images on my hard-drive since the day he was born!