Friday, May 29, 2009

...My Own...

Meet Mr. "C". He is the second of my three wonderful boys. He is also the one who dislikes having his picture taken the most. A not so good attitude to have with a mama who is a photographer!! He's getting better, though. On this day, he said I could take "just three pictures, mama". Of course, in two of the three he had his eyes squeezed shut! So, here is the best of the day for my love-bug "C".

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

...The "W" Family...

One of the things I love about doing photography is the opportunity to meet such great people. I love meeting new families and watching the interaction between them. Each individual person brings such great personality to the mix, making for some perfect pictures! The "W" family are just such a family. I had a wonderful time getting to know them and photographing them. "Papa" kept me on my toes and had me laughing and smiling through the whole session! What a great time!

Thank you for such a great evening! You are a truly beautiful family. I hope you enjoy your sneak peek!!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

...A Familiar Face...

This B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L young lady is a regular on my blog. Not just because she is stunning and ridiculously photogenic, but because I love her to death, too!! She is my "girl fix" three days a week, and I have so much fun with her! She invited me to her dance recital, and I was so glad to come. My first ever recital was a blast! It was so stinkin' cute! After Miss "L" completed her show, we stepped outside to grab a few pictures. As usual, she did not disappoint!