Thursday, April 30, 2009

...Birthday Special...

***Click on the image to view a larger version***

Thursday, April 23, 2009

...Fun Family Session!...

Meet the "K" family!! Aren't they adorable! I had the pleasure of spending an evening running, jumping, name it! So much energy, so much laughter, so many great photos! I have only gotten through about half of the photographs, but already have so many favorites I thought I better post some before my decision gets any harder!!
Big Brother, "A" did AWESOME! He is just about to have his 4th birthday, and told me he had been practicing his shows! I loved snapping his pictures.

Then there is Miss "C". She just turned 2 and is a little ball of energy! No time for pictures on this day...there was far too much exploring to do!! The images I did capture show her little personality to a "T"!

And, finally, baby "K". She is just about to turn 1 and, is herself, a little explorer! She loved sitting in the grass and flashing me her perfect little smile. What a cutie!
Thanks, so much, for hanging out and playing! It was a lot of fun! Your gallery is ALMOST finished, but until then, I hope you enjoy your sneak peek!!

Monday, April 20, 2009

...Soccer, Anyone?...

Okay, so I'll be the first to admit that I don't know much about soccer, and was a little nervous about this sports action session. I ended up having a BLAST!! Mr. "Z" put on quite the show for me (even though he didn't know I was there for him!).
He gave me plenty of opportunities to capture him in action! This kid rocks!

He even scored a goal on his teams way to a victory!!

Thanks, so much "L" family for inviting me to watch such an awesome athlete! I had a great time learning a little about the game!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

...Sports Photography...

Spring is officially here. In our family, this means it's time to get CRAZY BUSY!! Our oldest son is not only involved with Little League, but plays on a travel team as well. And with my husband helping coach both teams, lets just say our lives are scheduled chaos! But we LOVE it, and I am thrilled to be able to take pictures at all of the games. This is a picture of my son pitching during his last game. His tongue cracks me up! I don't have ONE action shot of him without his tongue sticking out! If you would be interested in having me photograph your athlete in action, give me a call or send an email! For my sports photography, I offer all of your images (50+) on a high-resolution disc with full print release for $45!!! I'll be at the game from warm-ups to the team huddle at the end. I offer discounts for multiple athletes, and have specialty items you might be interested in too (key chains, magnets, bag tags, coffee mugs, etc). Please note that in order to ensure I get enough quality images of each athlete, I will only photograph up to 5 kids from the same team at one time. I look forward to hearing from you!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

...On The Farm...

What a FUN day this was! Take a look at these four GORGEOUS cousins! We spent the afternoon playing on grandma and grandpa's farm, and let me just say, these little girls have some energy! They had all sorts of ideas about how and were the pictures should be taken, and did a great job of letting their little personalities shine through! We grabbed a quick picture of the oldest two, "M" and "A" on the front porch...
And then we let grandma and grandpa join in the fun!

We ended the day with a really great opportunity. Grandpa celebrated his birthday (won't give the age away *wink*) on this day with all five of his brothers making it back to the homestead that they grew up cool is that!

Thanks, everyone, for letting me a part of your special day!! I hope you enjoy your photographs.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


Oh my goodness, did I ever have fun with this session! Four beautiful little girls with such fun, energetic personalities!
This is Miss "H", the oldest of the four. She did such a great job as my assistant that I told her I would bring her to all my sessions! She was okay with that!
Princess "K" LOVED all my props and wanted to wear all of them! She wasn't shy in front of the camera at all! Then there is Little Miss "E". No sitting for her! Her portion of the session involved me chasing her with my camera!

And, the newest addition, Baby "A". Just 12 days old and so content. She was a dream to photograph.

A quick picture of them together...

And with their Beautiful mommy.
Thank you, ladies, for such a fun time! Enjoy your pictures!

Monday, April 6, 2009

...busy, busy, busy...

I had such a FANTASTIC weekend taking photographs! Six sessions in two days, however, makes me very happy to have my husband home on vacation...more time for me to edit pictures! So, for those of you who were so kind as to let me spend some time with you and your families, please, bare with me! It may take me a day or two longer to get your proofs into your galleries. In the meantime, here is a tiny, tiny, sampling of some of my faves. so far! More from each session to come!