Thursday, January 29, 2009

...More Twins!...

What a pleasure it was to be invited into the home of these amazing little boys! Meet two weeks old "C" and "G". I had such a wonderful time snuggling and cuddling with these little ones!

Congratulations, mom and dad, on the birth of your BEAUTIFUL little boys. They are simply amazing.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

...Brotherly Love...

You will recognize little "J" from a previous post (he's the little one who looked so, so sad!) Well, this time, big brother "K" joined the fun!
There are those sad eyes again!

But "K" did a great job of getting smiles out of the little guy!

Thanks for all your help, Mr. "K"!! You are an amazing big brother. It is very obvious that your little brother loves you to pieces!! Enjoy!

Friday, January 23, 2009

...Just A Tease, Mom & Dad...

I could not resit posting this picture of 4 month old baby "O"! When I saw it for the first time it made me laugh out loud! She absolutely REFUSED to flash me any smiles...that is, until I took the camera out of her face! Then she was full of them! This little pout is just too stinkin' cute not to share!
More of this cutie's session to come...

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

...I'll Say It Again...

...seniors are so much fun! I had a blast taking pictures for lovely "E". She was up for anything!
She's a proud Bear's Fan!

LOVE her smile!!

I'm glad it was you who was barefoot in a prom dress on this very frigid January afternoon! You were great! Thanks, again, for letting me be a part of your senior year!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

...This One Will Tug At Your Heart-Strings!...

Not only am I incredibly lucky to be doing something I love, photography, on a daily basis, but I am also fortunate enough to be a stay-at-home-mom. If that weren't awesome enough, I also get to watch this little guy during the week.

Meet Mr. "J". He is typically a very happy, energetic little boy. However, whenever I pull out the camera, this is the look I get! I call it the "you're not going to get a smile out of me, no matter how hard you try"! Doesn't he look so sad?! I just love this picture of him, though. Makes me want to scoop him up and give him some loves!