Wednesday, December 31, 2008

...NEW FOR 2009!...

I will be making a few changes to my pricing structure effective Jan. 1, 2009. I am happy to announce that I will now be offering on-line proofing of your sessions! You will have access to your password protected gallery for one month. You can share the gallery with your family and friends, and ordering is simple. Just send me an email with your desired print numbers and sizes for each print.
Because I will be offering on-line proofing, I will no longer be offering a low-resolution disc. Instead, I am lowering my session fee to $30, and offering 4x6 prints for sale. If you would rather have your images on disc, you have two options: (A) you may buy all of the high-resolution images from your session on disc for $150, {please note that my sessions typicaly result in 30-50 images!} or (B) you may buy individual, high resolution images on disc for $35 per file. Each of these options affords you the ability to print images from wallet to 24x30 at the lab of your choice!
My old print prices will be honored for my 2008 clients until JANUARY 31st, 2009.

...Mr. Blue Eyes...

Meet Mr. "R" ADORABLE 6 month old with THE most beautiful blue eyes! I had a lot of fun hanging out with this little guy! He has so much personality and was full of great smiles. I did get a few more "serious" poses as we neared his nap time, though ;o) Thanks for being a little trooper!

Sunday, December 14, 2008

...Miss Personality!...

It took her a minute or two, but little Miss "L" soon started showing me those poses and smiles I know so well! It took a little bit of silliness on my part, but it was well worth it!

"N" family, you are BEAUTIFUL!! Thanks for hanging out in rain! Enjoy!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

..."H" Family, your proofs are ready!...

I don't think he would ever admit it, but I think Mr. "W", here, really likes being in front of the camera! Little sister was a bit harder to convince! I hope your lunch at McDonald's made your time with me worth it!! ( Hey, a little bribery never hurts!)

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

...Miss "K"...

This is the second time I've had the opportunity to photograph this sweet little girl. She must have remembered me, because it didn't take her too long to warm up and show me how nicely she could sit and smile for the camera! She's excited for Christmas and the fun family gatherings that go along with it!

Thanks for sitting so perfectly, Miss "K"! You did a great job!


That's all it took to get these great smiles out of adorable little "E". What a happy little girl!! And can I just say, I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE her little red coat!
You guys make such a cute family! I had a great time with you!
Thank you, "B" family for letting me be a part of your day. I think these images capture the love you have for that little girl of yours! Enjoy!!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008


I had the honor of being invited into the home of these stunning twins when they were just three weeks old. "S" and "S" have been welcomed into such a loving home; it was so heartwarming to see the love these parents have for their two little wonders.

Congratulations on the birth of your lovely little boy and girl. Thank you, again, for allowing me such a unique opportunity.

Monday, December 1, 2008

...A sneek peek...

Can you say A-D-O-R-A-B-L-E? This little guy was a treat to photograph. Mr. "K" set out on his adventure, and I simply followed. His stunning blue eyes and that too cute hat made for the perfect combination. Can't you just hear that giggle!

Thank-you, "B" family, for letting me follow your little man around as he explored. I hope these images bring a smile to your face each time you look at them.

...Seniors Are So Much Fun!...

This senior session was a lot of fun! Between the goofy poses, the funny faces and even a dance move or two, we captured some great images.

You totally rocked this one out! I LOVE it!

Thank you for letting me be a part of your senior year! Enjoy!

Monday, November 17, 2008

The "R" Family...

I enjoyed every second of this family session! Not just because I knew it would be impossible to get a "bad" photo of this adorable family, but also because "A" & "A" were the most cooperative 1 & 4 year olds I've met to date! They were naturals in front of the camera!

Thank you so much for letting me photograph your beautiful family!

Friday, November 7, 2008

...Fall Portraits...

...Little Beauty...

It was a treat to photograph this sweet little girl when she was just two weeks old. I loved that as much as I moved her around, I not once disturbed her peaceful sleep!